A Nervous System Reset & Reprogramming
Our Nervous System is what allows us to interact with our environment.
It controls many aspects of what you think, how you feel, and what your body does and is responsible for the reflex reactions that determine how we react in stressful situations.
We are designed for survival
If our nervous system is running the fight and flight programme, that takes priority over any other program. Any dis-stress will involve some level of survival reflex activation.
Neural Organisational Technique works with our nervous system design to reset the survival programmes of fight / flight / freeze before moving on to more advanced programmes like digestion, fertility, hormone balance, structural issues and learning.
Like the technology in your life sometimes you need a total system reset
Neural Organisational Technique is a unique version of kinesiology that works through the structural neurology to help to reset the nervous system patterns.
It is a good starting point for anyone that has experienced stress or trauma. It can also be an ideal complement to talking therapies as it deals with the neurological reflexes that keep us stuck in survival patterns rather than allowing us to perceive and respond differently.